Hinson, Micah P.
"oh No!" + "people (alternate Version)"
Writing this song years ago, it is like many of my songs: the meaning, and how it mends itself into my life, is a mystery that is later revealed to me after I have lived through a situation that brings its understanding. I honesty regret sounding like a philosopher, as words carry a power that should be wielded with caution, yet rarely are. Lessons: songs have taught them to me time and time again, song after song, example after example. In the song, I was talking to myself about the personal concept of liberation and and the gravity, force, and definitions of the concepts we have been taught since birth: Loneliness, Love, Pain, just naming a few. We are in greater control of these things than we can ever imagine, yet, growing up, I feel I was taught that there are strict rules, and guidelines, to concepts as large as the ones I have mentioned, and, growing up and getting older by the day, this is not the case at all. We must grow to redefine the things we learned, and were taught- those things that are at the very heart of what it is to be human and alive. To live any other way would be a disservice to ourselves and the others we will teach that will live beyond our years.