Hawkins, Fiona Joy
Sensual Journeys
Fiona grew up in Rural Australia with musical parents and two creative sisters who help her with artwork and lyrics. The families' experience of loss drew the girls even closer together when Fiona's son found her Sister's son drowned in a backyard pool. Alex was an angel the family will never forget. 'Life is defined by certain experiences and you learn what is and what isn't important' says Fiona, "Being a Mother of two boys myself, there are no words, I can only speak of my Sister's loss with music". The strength of the album lies with a strong female collaboration including the wonderfully poignant Gaelic lyrics of Effie Rankin (Rankin Family) "My dear Mother, Kind Mother, Lead me on the path, Lead me to safety ....." 'I was very humbled by the talent shared on this album, recording The Midnight Interlude with Effie's words held great meaning in my life at that time".