Hard Bop Messengers
Live At The Last Hotel
If you're in need of a musical vacation, try checking in for Live at The Last Hotel. The latest from John Covelli and The Hard Bop Messengers is a jazzy getaway that takes you to a time and place where everyone is hip, and everything is happening. It's an ambitious concept-a jazz album that literally tells a story. A visionary, original, genre-defying musical journey that reminds you of what jazz can be. Covelli uses his own musical journey as a basis for this experience. As a graduate of the esteemed jazz program at Webster University (where the album was recorded), he sets his foundation on the classic bop styles of the late 50's and early 60's - but there's much more here. Covelli has played in dozens of bands over the years and learned just as many styles. He infuses the album with those influences and the result will have you tapping your toes and bobbing your head along with every tune.