Gildenlow, Kristoffer
The Rain
Some musicians have a discernible skill for balancing notes with the nuances and gaps between them to great effect, those who spring to mind readily, the eclectic talents of David Sylvian or Talk Talk. They also imbue a sense of melancholy but not misery, with a sweetness that lifts rather than lowers the mood. Though heart rending, at times it can make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck and a tear well in the corner of your eye. The delicate beauty of it, whilst fragile, has the power to swell your heart. Multi-instrumentalist Kristoffer Gildenlow may be better recognised for being a member of Pain of Salvation, along with his brother Daniel, and a string of other projects. There are further similarities with the haunting qualities of the respective vocals of the above artists, and they also sail down a similar musical stream. The Rain is a concept album portraying the struggles and life of a man with dementia - Alzheimers disease. Each song deals with different memories, emotions and ideas and, though he thankfully has no personal first hand experience. He is backed by a talented group of guest musicians adding everything from string arrangements to accordion in creating this latest offering.