Free Fall Band
Elephants Never Forget
,Elephants Never Forget" by The Free Fall Band is an Indie-Pop album. Songs within the album sound quite unique for this period in music. Its hard to compare their sound to other performers, but think of a more sparse ,The Monkees" sans the harmonies. Instrumentally songs are full of surprises, from steady background organ lines with 60s pop guitar remaining a constant, to flourishes of clarinets and woodwinds on occasion. Thematically songs bounce around, their are tracks about young love, references to religion, and some songs seem to work as fi gurative statements and unexplained allegories. Tracks like ,Miquis Two Nostalgic Punk Songs" sound incredibly Beach Boys inspired, and do feature rich harmonies, making the track stand out as one of the strongest on the album. The vibe of The Free Fall Band is an odd one, its somehow 95% wholesome, 5% sinister... adding just enough edge to make it cool.