Flamingo Tours
Clap Your Fingers
Flamingo Tours is a rock n 'roll band rooted in the wildest tradition of popular music that breathes diverse and deep flavours ... cavernous and exotic Rhythm n Blues and the encountering of five musicians, five flavors-five beasts. The Flaming brothers separated in childhood by the adventures of Serena Flaming, who travel throughout her life doing female wrestling exhibitions, take the name of the famous travel agency on the West Coast, Flamingo Tours, founded in 1957. Assembled in Los Angeles last year, the Flaming grandmother, Jade, 83 years entrusted them with a mission: "you have been so long separated because of your mothers messy head. Now youll have to stand together and travel to all corners of the world. It is the will of your grandfather. I leave you the agency and money enough for you to emancipate. "(She threw down a couple of Hawaiian dollars and left the room ..) The journey begins ...