Eve And The Last Waltz
Straight Up To The Sky
Swedens Rhythm Ace Recordings are back on track after a some quality time spent drinking lazy cups of coffee in the sunshine of the recording studio keeping an eye on EVE AND THE LAST WALTZ EVE AND THE LAST WALTZ now release their third full-length album "Straight Up to the Sky" as a follow up to their second effort "Love Boat" from 2003 (which was one that years most talked about albums in Sweden) Their first record "Strange Mornings" was originally released on vinyl only. Now back with a new drummer, with the back-up singers of the Evelettes and with nine shiny new songs taken directly from first-hand personal experiences (aswell as some second-hand ones too actually) from the surrounding worlds slow decay and fast tranformations. The band has not only been through the trouble of playing the recording tape backwards, but has also been strumming Mountain Dulcimers for Your personal listening pleasure