Devin Heat
You Were The Fire I Was The Fever
Songwriter David Weingartner is behind Devin Heat. He grew up in a remote corner of northern Germany where there was little to see but the horizon over the moor and the days coming and going. His childhood home attracted a diverse array of musicians, truckers, and the brokenhearted, who would gather around campfires and share tales of signs and wonders. Finding himself in these places in the wake of his father's sudden death, Weingrtner immersed himself again in the stories and events he was made of. The songs that became his debut album were inspired by his father's figure and this world. For the production of the album, Weingrtner found companions in Simon Levi (Blaudzun / William Fitzsimmons) and Kim Janssen before teaming up with Rotterdam-based producer Lukas Dikker (Kim Janssen / Luik) and synth wizzard Joost de Jong. Late 80's and early 90's releases by artists like Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty and Lone Justice that his father used to raise him and explain to the world served as inspiration for the sound.