Das Ich
Alter Ego
Testing many musical boundaries, Stefan Ackerman and Bruno Kramm formed Das Ich in 1989. Mixing electronic, symphonic, classical, and early industrial elements, they created an unprecedented arena of sound in the typical German music scene. Over the years, their releases have garnered much success in the club scene as well as countless chart positions. To celebrate nearly twenty years of musical mayhem, Metropolis Records and Das Ich are proud to present Alter Ego - the first REAL Das Ich best of. Featuring fifteen tracks from classic Das Ich albums (Die Propheten and Staub) though current favorites (Lava and Cabaret), Alter Ego chronicles the ongoing success of Stefan and Brunos musical compositions and contains also a number of tracks, that are unavailable for years. Tracks: 01 Gottes Tod 02 Kain und Abel 03 Der Schrei 04 Von der Armut 05 Unschuld Erde 06 Das dunkle Land 07 Garten Eden 08 Destillat 09 Kindgott 10 Mann und Frau gehen durch die Krebsbaracke 11 Bin ich es denn 12 Schwarzer Stern 13 Uterus 14 Schwarzes Gift 15 Opferzeit.