Cotton, Josie
Ukranian Cowboy/cold War Spy
JOSIE COTTON is an American singer and songwriter, best known for international hit, "Johnny Are You Queer?" and "He Could Be the One" from 1982. "Johnny Are You Queer?" was used on the soundtracks to Jackass Number Two and Valley Girl. "He Could Be the One" was used in Valley Girl. Says JOSIE, "You could say this is an unintentional Communist concept-record. I didnt plan it that way... If you can ever plan being unintentional. Ive just always been fascinated with human behavior and the tyranny of ideas. I also find them absurdly funny like an insane puppet show. Were living in strange times. Im just rearranging the puppets in a musical with a warning label. And I get to say the purge of Stalin in a pop song... how rich is that?" The tracks: Ukrainian Cowboy Cowgirl meets Bolshevik falls for Bolshevik dumps Bolshevik by horseback. Cold War Spy Mod double-agent boyfriend infiltrates Stasi in East Germany and has his soul removed."