Copperfield, T.g.
The Worried Man
Following his debut album of the same name, T.G. Copperfield and his Electric Band have released an ambitious second album. The twelve tracks of The Worried Man revolve around the story of Evil Eye. A dystopian rock and roll opera set in a not entirely improbable future in which a totalitarian state holds the reins after the Great War. Individuality is the generally recognised enemy of society. The spectre of the Worried Man is haunting us. Recorded entirely live at Robert Hofmann's Slash Zero Studios and with the support of drummer Michael Air Hofmann and bassist Michael Don Karlos Karl, who also complete T.G. Copperfield's live trio, this record lives above all from its unbridled joy of playing. As on the first Copperfield album, the songs set the tone. The boundaries between the genres are blurred with natural ease. Boring is different! Once again, all the songs were written by Copperfield. The starting point was the song The Worried Man itself: This jam is the essence of everything that has occupied me as a songwriter over the last two years. An outcry, a message, a blues. Once again, special attention was paid to organic sound in the mix. The result is impressive and delivers great vintage sounds without sacrificing punch and modernity