Cope, April
Petals Fall
April Copes spellbinding new release Petals Fall features a saga of bewitching songs, shimmering in their quirky complexity and imagery, evoking an urban and misty San Francisco stage of aching and longing. These swirling songs range from the edgy rock ballad "Camera Obscura" to the mandolin-kissed "Angel Under Barbed Wire", woven with virtuosic instrumentals by Joe Craven, Michael Manring, Pete Sears, Jim Campilongo, Eric McFadden and a vocal cameo by the grittily seductive Chuck Prophet on "Black Wing". This recording is a breakthrough of honesty and sublime musical authenticity for April and her magnificent collaborators. Emmylou Harris "Spy Boy" and Patty Griffins "Flaming Red" are recalled while listening to her voice and musical landscape .