Epoca De Los Vaqueros
Class of Tucson AZ - instantly familiar, idiosyncratic to the max, a glorious collision in which several of American punks leading lights emerge from their vehicles unscathed (though I make no promises for the rest of you, see below). What more can I say about 2022s most eagerly anticipated full-length album? ( a bit more as it turns out, which is fortunate as my fee is pretty expensive, onerous, even) These songs have the requisite crunch / glue ratio and more than anyone else in their idiom, remind me of moments that dont happen nearly enough, in rock, in life, when your eyes are closed, anywhere. I dont think its a huge stretch to presume the persons responsible for these gems are keen students of the last 40+ years of underground/overground sounds (the good shit anyway), but theres a singular voice, a defined worldview if you will, somehow cutting through our bland, brutal, grim as fuck moment in history. If you think Im building Class up a bit much, I can promise you this - theres at least a half dozen people I know who will hear this record and immediately fall into the throes of a deep depression because theyre _not in this band_ . And if youre wary of being hyped-2-death, spare a thought for me for just a minute. Im the one whos gonna have to talk them off a ledge (figuratively, its mostly single stories in this part of the country). -Gerard Cosloy