The Discovering Of Time
CINEMA is the current project of Jurgen' PONGSE" Krutzsch, who already was a well-known Krautrock legend with his band TIBET in the Seventies. The project name fits, because the titles of this album run like movies in the mind's eye of the listener. Pongsesupported by Brigitte Grafe and guitarist Benjamin Peiser - knows to take this electronic soundtrack every cold and to create an incredibly groovy and trancy melange, reminiscent in some moments of Pink Floyd, but also wakes associations with Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Mike Oldfield and Schiller. Each title tells you in advance what it is and what musical elements are used. African, oriental and rock rhythms, with organs, choirs, guitars - a plenty of synthesizers and sequencers. For mastering ex-Grobschnitt musician EROC was actually responsible. The result is a musical journey around the world through the digital sound world of the continents that is unparalleled! A fine and entertaining journey at all! The perfect mental cinema!