Casale, Rossana - Quintet
Almost Blue
After JONI, Rossana Casale returns to jazz with a new album and tour entitled ALMOST BLUE, a concept project centred on the colour blue and the songs, the words that jazz has dedicated to its deepest meaning. In everyday language, blue is the colour of melancholy and hope. From the blue feeling comes the blues, the one that has its roots in the songs of the slaves in the cotton fields, in the hope for freedom and revenge. 'The blues is more than a colour, it is a wail of pain, the taste of conflict, a sad refrain but also a game that life plays' (ed. song All blues- Kind of Blue M. Davis 1959). And it is the colour blue, a metaphor of spirituality and transcendence, of tranquillity and silence, of contemplation, that is the concept of Rossana Casale's new project.