Capecelatro Iii, Guy
Nort For The Winter
Drawing more inspiration from the literary world than musical, Portsmouth, NHs Guy Capecelatro III tells his stories against a backdrop of folky, literate beautiful songs. With over 25 different musicians playing traditional and nontraditional instruments, North for the Winter was recorded live over three days. Capecelatro, a former member of Unbunny, The Buckets (featuring Mary Lou Lord, Ray Halliday and Carrie Bradley), Two Ton Santa, and more; has been writing and performing since the late 80s. Having hitchhiked around the country, studied philosophy at the Univ of New Hampshire, and held a variety of jobs (landscaper, dishwasher, lifeguard, dock-builder, record-reviewer, chimney sweep),Guy draws from lifeexperiences to develop characters and tell his stories. North for the Winter features guest performances from members of the Dirty Projectors, Unbunny, Film School, Tigersaw, and more