Exclusive liner notes by Dr John himself ! Published in 1970 on the small imprint Tiffany Records, the self titled debut album by Brethren still deliver the goods half a century upon its original release. Way long before the genre Americana was certified, even before the blue eyed soul mania arose, this talented combo pave the way for an intense songwriting. Girl group The Blossoms was on board for several tracks on backing vocals, while the almighty Dr. John played keyboards as a guest and wrote some intense liner notes. Folk rock mixed with some country and a dash of gospel, that was the original essence of the album, a serious runner up in the Little Feat/Allman Bros category. But if you look further this band could have been easily described as the US answer to Steve Winwoods Traffic. "Midnight Train" has a southern rock feel while the vocals and composition on "Dont Talk Now" could pass as a tune from The Band. "Ive Been Provided For" would fit in at a church revival while bluesy numbers such as "Outside Love" and "Success Brand Oil" have an uncanny jazz rocking instrumental feel. Fully remastered and licensed ltd to 500 copies, 180 gr.