Batolba, Adriano -orchestra-
The german Maestro of Rockabilly with his Orchestra! a 13-piece, energy-turbo filled Rockabilly Big Band, that will shake every Dancefloor! Whenever a rockabilly Production in Germany the last years became famous - Adriano BaTolba was in it, as Singer, Guitarman, Composer or Producer. German TV-called BaTolba : ,Germanys Rockabilly-Guitarman Number One". In 2009 the Gretsch Guitar Company had the Idea, to form an Orchestra with BaTolba at the Frankfurter Musicfair. That was the Moment BaTolba has waited for: through his work as Producer and Musician he already has played with some of the best Hornsections, and so only a few calles later the ,Adriano BaTolba Orchestra" was born.