Baroni, Vittore/mauzizio Bianchi/piermario Ciani/daniele Ciullini
Musical Surgery
From the archives of the Florentine studio SOUND RECYCLING TERMINAL comes this singular finding, an experiment in "sound surgery" originally assembled in February 1982 by DANIELE CIULLINI (aka OXIDIZED MAN) with audio materials sent by Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) and the founders of the TRAX multimedia project, the journalist and mail artist VITTORE BARONI (musically active as Lieutenant Murnau) and the graphic artist-photographer PIERMAIO CIANI (Mind Invaders, Great Complotto, etc.) who died in 2006. At the time, MUSICAL SURGERY was reproduced on cassette in four copies only, one for each author, so the work has remained unpublished until now, the product of a sort of "supergroup" of prime movers extremely active in the Italian post-industrial scene and in the "cassette network" of early 80s. The five original tracks, now assembled in one unique track of about half an hour, merge the cold industrial-apocalyptic electronics typical of early M.B. production, experiments of pulsating electronic minimalism attempted in those years by CIANI (tape recorders incorrectly connected, backwards tapes, etc.), BARONIs maniacal rants and the analogical drone-ambient textures by CIULLINI, who in the mixing also used field recordings and samplings of various kinds. The "spoken word" fragment used here, originally written by Baroni for his performance "N" held in 1981 in Reggio Emilia as part of the event La perdita del centro, will then be reworked in the cassette album The Cop Killers The CD (mixed by Ciullini and Baroni in May 1982 and published in the same year by TRAX), a six-handed work by Baroni, Ciullini and the British musician M.A. Phillips of which this rediscovered collaborative work at distance can be considered a sort of prototype and general rehearsal.