Bad News Reunion
Lost And Found
Some of you have probably thought, more often than not, that the Hamburg-based westcoast legend BAD NEWS REUNION had given up and were about to quietly fade into oblivion. Sure, there were BNR live appearances every four or five years in which the guys dusted off the same old songs over and over. One of those gigs was even recorded and released as Just One Night in 1998. And it had a couple of then new songs to boot. But the last time the musicians were in a recording studio was thirty-something years ago when they did Two Steps Forward. And now this. Twelve new songs, recorded professionally in a >studio<, that is, in Ulis basement. So how did this record come about? In the summer of 2012 Sireena Records re-released Just One Night and BNR thought it would be nice to promote the album with a Christmas-time oneoff gig at the legendary Hamburg >Fabrik<. And it was a great evening that the band enjoyed as much as the six-hundred in the auditorium. And Tom Redecker of Sireena also liked what he heard. He suggested to record >studio album<. And here it is! If you like westcoast rock music with a touch of folk, blues, if you like part singing in harmony. Thats all to find here. A great album with timeless songs!