Back & Forth
Time Whispers
This album, much more personal than the previous one, aims to immerse the listener in the chronicles of human life, ordinary yet unique. Each track can be likened to a story with an English soundtrack. These narratives are familiar to us, and the language barrier does not hinder the transmission of a universal message. These tracks echo our daily emotions, sometimes gentle and light, sometimes intense and cruel. They reflect moments lived where the pendulum keeps the beat of our lives. We endure, we question, we embrace, we exult, and above all, we experiment. Each title plunges us back into these states of mind, and each in its own way is invited to participate in the journey. We confront mourning and absence, we question our own vanity to gradually shed our burdens, we contemplate past mistakes, the harm caused, and we find ourselves face to face with ourselves. The rebirth concludes the recording. it is the beginning of a new cycle.