Alizadeh, Saba
Temple Of Hope
How can you find a hint of beauty in the midst of fear and cruelty? How can you make all the unspeakable audible, but also anger, confidence and the unconditional will to live. With his third album "Temple Of Hope_Ç", the Iranian composer Saba Alizadeh has created a moving homage to the people of his homeland. He transforms the events during the "Woman Life Freedom_Ç" movement, but also the struggles of the population in the years before, into haunting electro-acoustic music. Intensified by singing and poetry by Andreas Spechtl, Sanam Maroufkhani and Leila Rahimi. In his compositions, Saba Alizadeh combines the traditional string instrument Kamanche and strings with a modular synthesizer and no-input mixer. This creates a tension-filled sound that above all explores the speechlessness and conflict between suffering, rebellion and hope. Historical radio sequences root his pieces in the culture and history of the country. The strong alienation and deconstruction of these acoustic elements in turn points to the incomprehensible. To existential shocks and processes of dissolution. Courage and confidence come together in his "Temple Of Hope". Saba Alizadeh's multi-layered pieces may often seem like an echo of horror. But at the same time they unfold their own shocking beauty.