2nd Face
"Nemesis" is an industrial electro album that makes for an intensive listening experience. Believe it or not, it's only the debut of 2nd Face from Frankfurt, Germany, but upon listening, it becomes obvious how classy they already are. Though tracks like 'Divine', 'Movement' or the title song may hark back to the Canadian school of trailblazers Skinny Puppy and Frontline Assembly, the compositional quality speaks for itself. Thanks to his multi-layered approach, 2nd Face mastermind Thorn easily blends rattling sequences of con- siderable heaviness with club compatibility. The album sounds both profound and tight, not least because the man is currently working towards becoming a professional studio engineer. On "Nemesis", he juggles an arsenal of synthesizers both more than 40 years old and modern. Lyrically, Thorn tackles extreme situations and violence while always focusing on that which happens to us beyond this everyday drag - between the lines, so to say. That this album will be one of the top newcomer releases in 2017 is a safe bet!