1000 Robota
Du Nicht Er Nicht Sie Nicht
A few short and crazy months after the release of their first EP "Hamburg brennt", 1000 Robota are back with their first full length release: "Du nicht er nicht sie nicht" ("Not You Not Him Not Her"). Although these kids sing in their native German, the band has already played sold out solo gigs in London clubs, had a feature in ZOO Magazine, write-ups in NME and loads of praise from everyone including bands like the Klaxons to The Horrors. And thats not to mention the frenzy theyve created in their homeland, Germany. Some might hear slight traces of early 80s avant-garde German Pop (Palais Schaumburg anyone?), others Wire or The Fall, and yeah, current U.K indie contenders, too, but actually ... what the hell. Call it what you will. So, if you understand the lyrics, good for you (cause they are poignant, important and different!), if not ... "I will be at the front singing along without having a clue what it means." (Helena Gee NME, UK). Thatll do just fine, too.